Life struggles accompany us all and learning how to tackle them head-on can lessen our discomfort. The Bible provides practical help to meet these challenges. Biblical applications that are key to life events can directly help us even today as we journey through life.

Hence, in Remember the Word, author Doug Poole shares lessons from the Bible on how to handle life struggles and relationships. With this book, may you find hope and practical applications that will bring insight and guide you to live a more full and blessed life.


Stages of Life

The Bible has been a tremendous source for the information referenced in this book. To learn and better understand the several stages and seasons we experience in life has been an interesting subject in which to write.

The different stages accompanied by seasons with numerous variations of difficulty make up our entire life, as we know it on earth. Our physical existence involves many facets that together encompass life as a whole. Looking at these areas more closely develops a better understanding of how things are and relates a way of life we each experience in common. It also reveals the possibilities God has made available for our quality of life by following His directions and applying His biblical principles.


Coming Before the Lord

Can we have a personal relationship with God today?

What does it require to become a believer?

Is it possible to enter the presence of God like they did in the OT?

Can anything from an old book like the Bible be used today?

Does applying the Scriptures in the twenty-first century really answer today’s questions for living life to the fullest?

The Old and New Testaments reveal much about the character of God. Examples of both good and evil are revealed for our learning. The results of both good and evil are explained in detail, and we can see the results of each choice. As we read through the Bible, we see evidence of God’s plan for mankind and opportunities to become more acquainted with Him. Working together with the Holy Spirit provides guidance and understanding that are intended to strengthen and help us. This wisdom has practical applications that provide a better way to handle life. He has revealed ways we can use to personalize a relationship with Him that can grow over time.


Obedience: The One Thing God Wants Most

This book provides scriptural references to many situations we commonly experience. God’s Word is His knowledge in print that when applied creates wisdom for living. His Word becomes alive to provide the proper guidance we need to overcome circumstances as we function through life. It is not a common reflex to be led by the Word of God. We must choose to follow after Him by acting in faith rather than be directed by our feelings only. Choosing to go in a direction that is unnatural can be frightening. Once you begin to practice obedience, it gradually becomes easier.